Reading Notes: Ramayana, Part B

- Rama = avatar of Vishnu.
- builds a bridge to Lanka and defeats Dashagriva.
- Dashagriva known as Ravana - killed in battle.
- Vibhishana - king of Lanka (Ravana's brother).
- Rama flies the Pushpaka back to Ayodhya and gives the chariot back to Kubera.
- Dasharatha welcomed Vishvamitra
- promised him any gift
- Vashishtha cheered Dasharatha's heart and wanted him to win
- Rama got father's blessing and went with Vishvamitra and Lakshman

- Vishvamitra led the way carrying bows and swords
- reflection of radiance
- Vishvamitra and other priests began sacrifice
- rakshasas obscured the sky and rused in horrid shapes
- Rama wounded and put to flight Maricha and Suvahu
- days of sacrifice took place
- ritual at Siddhashrama
- Rama asked Vishvamitra for more tasks

- Vishvamitra said that Janaka: Raja of Mithila celebrating a sacrifice
- behold a big and grand bow
- all the Brahmas of the hermitage set out for Mithila
- birds and beasts from Siddhashrama followed 
- Vishvamitra was the leader
- wealth was the asceticism
- story of the birth of Ganga was a trip story
- Janaka welcomed the ascetics with honor
- appointed them to seats by rank order
- Vishvamitra told king Janaka history of Dasharatha's sons
- told about the fight with the rakshasas
- Janaka summoned the brothers to see the bow
- many kings and princes have failed
- great bow was brought in an eight wheeled cart

- Vishvamitra, Janaka, Rama and Lakshmana fell to the ground
- Janaka praised Rama and gave orders for marriage
- sent messengers to Ayodhya to invite Raja
- Raja: Dasharatha's son to the wedding
- Janaka bestowed Sita upon Rama
- second daughter Urmila bestowed upon Lakshmana
- Bharata and Satrughana were given Mandavya and Srutakirti
- they were daughters of Kushadhwaja
- four princes held brides' hands 
- went around the sacrificial fire and the marriage dais
- flowers rained down on them from heaven and celestial music played
- Dasharatha returned home with sons and brides 
- welcomed by Kaushalya and Sumitra
- Bharata and Satrughna stayed with uncle Ashwapati in a different city


The palace where Rama had defeated the rakshasas and gained blessing from Dasharatha. Lakshmana was the brother who had guarded him from all the enemies and villains who came his way and was his best friend.


Gibbs, Laura. Amar Chitra Katha Reading Guides for MLLL 4993 Epics of Ancient India, Guide:    Kubera: The Lord of Wealth (Volume 839).


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