Favorite Place
This is the LA city view / scenery that I picked out from road affair. It depicts the skyline and the beautiful sunset of Los Angeles, California with abundant palm trees and the residing buildings and downtown area shown in the background https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=820&ei=WsxcXaLgCoy0sQWk84X4BQ&q=los+angeles+california&oq=los+angleles+calif&gs_l=img.3.0.0i10i24.9885.13843..14766...1.0..0.113.1971.14j8......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....0..35i39j0j0i10.TXuRqWIsI8E#imgrc=9r7tG9GpvK53oM: - my dream place of settling down in the future.
What a great picture of LA, Asha! And that is an excuse to share one of my all-time favorite music videos which pairs up Vidya in LA with Maati Baani in Mumbai; have you seen this one? As a fan of LA, I think you will like it! And it's perfect for the last days of summer too: Summer Love (I love Maati Baani!)
ReplyDeleteWith links in Blogger, you can create link text and not show the URL; that's easier on the eyes, esp. for long web addresses. So your link here could be: Gluten-Free Restaurants in Los Angeles. You can give that style a try in your next post and see how it works, linking to the actual webpage instead of to Google. That way, if your readers click on the link out of curiosity, they land up on an informative page. :-)
That's such a beautiful picture and such an amazing dream place to settle down. I love the sunset coming over the city and all the palm trees raising from all the houses. I grew up in Florida and the palm trees are one of the things I miss a lot. There's just something nice to seeing them. I think it's awesome that you have such a passion for wanting to move to California, especially such a busy city like LA. Most people get scared of LA because of everything you hear about it but it really seems like you've embraced it.